Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Disease ID'd - Spinwheel Goes Into Quarantine

SPINWHEEL CITY - The disease that started with a few people coming down with fever has exploded in the city. Hundreds are now infected with the illness and the city has shut down its port and gone into quarantine.

Local medical authorities have established that the virus is the same one that has killed on Arraxes. The planetary government has asked for assistance from the Arraxen government in knowledge and and medicines to fight the illness.

Until further notice, no traffic, either from offworld or other parts of Paquin will be allowed in or out of Spinwheel. The government is also informing worlds who receive ships that are based in Spinwheel or pass through the port on their routes.

Mayor Tillery Woodhen is asking all Spinwheel residents to stay home until the crisis passes. The virus is passed easily both by air and touch. Security has been increase at hospitals to prevent panic by those afraid of being infected.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Illness Appearing in Spinwheel

SPINWHEEL - Reports have started to come in about a new illness that has started to pop up in parts of Spinwheel.

A few dozen people in Spinwheel's Shuttleside area have reported fevers with rash in the past few days. Medical officials are not familiar with the particular disease and are researching its cause.

Officials are not worried at this time, since only a small number of people have come down with the illness. No alerts have been issued as of yet. Spinwheel residents are advised to follow normal sanitation procedures.