EARTH ISLET - Phoenix Acolyte Deebrane String was admitted to Keajra Hospital in Spinwheel City today where she remains in stable condition, in the coma induced by regeneration treatment. Registered Companion Zai Xian remains at her Taksimi's side.
Early this morning, Chief of Staff Fa-Le Yan heard Deebs's mayday calls as her ship entered the Paquin system, already disabled and out of control. Deebs's great skill as a pilot allowed her to ditch her crippled craft safely in the Keajra Sea near Earth Islet..
Spinwheel Search and Rescue were quickly able to locate the Phoenix Acolyte, who had ejected just before impact, and transport her to the hospital. Yan has sealed the crash site, forbidding entry to everyone, including the commanding officer of Alliance cruiser Zheng He, who has promised repercussions from Yan's adamant refusal.
When asked about the report from a source wishing to remain anonymous that Deebs was being fired upon by a hostile craft as the Martian neared Paquin, Yan refused comment, and when pressed about the nature of the damage to Deebs's craft, Yan replied sharply that she can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any craft, damaged or otherwise.
The uncooperative Guild Chief of Staff also refused to acknowledge any link between the suspicious crash and the overdue return of the High Priestess. When the total failure of communications links to the Orion home world of Rigel VII was mentioned, Yan stated that the Orions are allies of the Companion's Guild and the High Priestess has accepted the Orion Ambassador as an honored guest. She claimed that there is no connection between the simultaneous communications blackout, disappearance of the High Priestess, and the damage to Deebs's craft.
The Cortex News Service will continue to investigate these mysteries, and will bring you up-to-the-nanosecond coverage of the Guild administration's coverup of these important events as they develop.
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