Saturday, February 18, 2012

Firefly-class ship in Spinwheel

The ship in downtown Spinwheel.
SPINWHEEL - There is a Firefly-class parked above Central Plaza in downtown Spinwheel. The ship is there as part of the celebrations for the registration of Ti Qi Companion House on Dragon's Egg. Registered Companions will be having a banquet on the ship which will stay in Spinwheel for the rest of the month.

It did come as a bit of the surprise to Spinwheel Mayor Tillery Woodhen, who hadn't been advised of the plans. The mayor's office didn't return waves requesting comment, but people in the apartment below the mayor's penthouse at the Paquin Arms were awakened by a sudden yell. They're not sure what he said, but the did hear this clearly, "Where the hell did that come from! Wait, is that my car? They landed on my gorram CAR?!?"

The mayor was last seen being led to his office by aides carrying large bottles of mao tai.

Residents and tourist are welcome to visit the ship during its time in Spinwheel.

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